My Personal PowerShell Profile
I’ve seen a lot of people post their personal PowerShell profile scripts online for others to peruse, so I figured I’d do the same. You can also view the most current copy in my Git repository.
I’ve seen a lot of people post their personal PowerShell profile scripts online for others to peruse, so I figured I’d do the same. You can also view the most current copy in my Git repository.
Installing Gallery 2 on OpenBSD is a bit more involved than installing
Wordpress. Gallery 2 requires a few binaries and libraries to exist
within the /var/www
chroot in order to function properly. After
getting my “production” installation working, I took a spare machine
loaded with OpenBSD 4.3 base and documented the entire installation
process for Gallery 2, installing (hopefully) no more than was
Installing Wordpress on OpenBSD is a fairly straightforward process,
especially since it does not need any extra binaries or libraries to exist
inside the /var/www
chroot environment. Initially I used the tar.gz file
available from (version 2.6, as of this writing), but when I
went through the install on a test machine in order to detail the
installation process, I realized that there is also a package available in
the package tree (version 2.3.3 for OpenBSD 4.3-release, 2.5 for -current).
For the purposes of these instructions I installed the package available in
the OpenBSD packages tree, but I will also detail how to install the latest
version from
As this is my first official blog post, I thought it would be fitting that I explained just how I got here…as in, how you’re actually able to read this post. I’ll use this and the next few posts to explain how I got various web applications to run on a (more-or-less) default installation of OpenBSD 4.3, without un-jailing httpd. I can’t say that my methods are necessarily the best methods–heck, I’m not even sure they’re good methods, but they do work. So with that being said, if someone knows of a better way to do anything I describe, please let me know!